This simple, powerful technique is capable of creating greater awareness in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. By eliminating restrictive breathing patterns we open our Being to the possibility of living life more fully. The quality of our Breath reflects the quality of our Life. A Conscious Breath Practice is the most accessible route to elevating Consciousness. So Breathe deep! You have the power to heal your Self on all levels of your Being. Would you like to move through Life with more Vitality, Ease, Grace, and Joy? It’s just a Breath away.
Join me at Perennial Yoga monthly for this 2.5 hour introductory workshop. The practice of Transformational Breath® has the potential to create permanent shifts in all areas of your Being. Learn about the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of a conscious breath practice and how they’re experienced in a full 60 minute Breath session. We will follow with Q & A and/or sharing after the session.
Sign up here:
Breathe. Heal. Find more Joy: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually.